Wednesday, July 29, 2009

free at last

Just got home from the hospital where I had the port in my chest removed this morning! It feels like a significant mile marker in this journey. I am so thankful to be free!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

a tougher than expected home stretch

When we got the news that the chemo was successful and that I would do some radiation to make sure the tumor wouldn't come back, I think we thought the hardest part of the journey was behind us. Two forces have come into play, however, that have made it seem anything but easier.

The first - we let down. We hadn't realized it, but we had girded ourselves for a tough journey, and when it seemed the end was near, we relaxed our emotional grip on life. It was in this place of emotional safety that we began to realize that we are pretty worn out. We are tired. I am going to work but finding myself doing a lot of staring at the wall. Casey often dreads the daily duties of motherhood. It makes sense that we would feel this way and just need a little time to get back to even keel.

BUT - I guess we underestimated radiation a little bit. In response to our new found weariness, we hastily planned a trip to the mountains in an attempt for needed restoration. But my compromised lungs couldn't take the elevation, so our trip consisted of one 7 hour drive, one scary mid-night ER visit, one 7 hour drive home. We had let our guard down and really weren't prepared for this. It was very discouraging, but as a family we looked at Psalm 22 and talked about how we turn to God in our disappointment. Partly to make up for the failed trip, the next week Casey took the kids to her folks. During that time, I over did it a little bit, which caused pain in my lungs, which led me to take some pain medication with codeine in it, which caused me to just about pass out in a crowded restaurant at lunch time, which prompted the manager to call an ambulance, which led to my second ER visit in as many weeks.

So, I think I have finally adjusted my expectations to be a little more in line with reality. I have taken to heart all the lectures from my friends about over-doing it. I am admitting that the radiation is taking its toll on me. I am back to taking a nap when I am tired and I have found a better way to deal with the pain than codeine. We are still very weary, but my last day of radiation is scheduled for Monday July 13th. I know that if God has carried us this far, he will see us through.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

what's new

Hey friends, I just wanted to keep you posted on what's new with Adam. He's had radiation everyday this week. It doesn't take too long and didn't keep him from volunteering at the sports camp our church helps host each year. He has three tiny tattoos now where they target the radiation. They're permanent. He's really living on the wild side seeing as they are smaller than a freckle. :) Anyway, we are very grateful to be able to get away this weekend with the kids. We will go enjoy the mountains for a few days where my folks have a lovely home. We've been feeling the need for a little rest and the mountains have always been been a place where God restores us. I guess you could say it's holy ground for us. It's been difficult to move forward mentally and emotionally and just knowing that we get to get away for a couple of days is like a breath of new life. Adam meets with the radiation oncologist tomorrow so we'll keep you posted with anything new soon.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Saw the radiation oncologist this morning. He is recommending 5 weeks of daily radiation. Says that this will take the risk of recurrence at this location from 25 - 30% to 4%. I will have another CT tomorrow and then will probably begin radiation next week.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

what cancer?

According to Dr. Cruz, the chemo worked and the tumor is dead for all intents and purposes! He recommends that we talk to the radiation oncologist to do some targeted radiation just to make sure it is good and nuked. He said the chances of it never coming back are around 90%!

On one hand, this is exactly what I expected to hear, and it's almost as if it's no big deal - I am ready to move on with life. On the other hand, I am having moments where I am kind of relaxing emotionally and letting it sink in that I am very near the end of a crazy journey. We have been so geared up to deal with cancer treatment that I haven't really reckoned emotionally with how hard it has been. So I find myself wanting to laugh and cry at the same time.

Most of all I feel so incredibly thankful to God and have a new sense of adventure in life with Him. I feel ready to live each day saying "wherever, whenever,whatever - I'll follow you"

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

a taste of freedom

At this moment, I have gone longer without chemo than any time this year. Were I still on the every-three-week schedule, today would have been chemo day. I can't tell you how sweet it was to get a taste of freedom! I am trying not to get my hopes up, though. I'll meet with the doctor next Wednesday May 27th to find out the results of the scan I had on Monday.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

good week

Hey everyone, I just wanted you to know that we are having a good week. Adam is doing much better I think because of the shot they gave him to boost his white blood cell production. It has been an encouraging week and we are thrilled to be able to get out of town for a couple of days.
I just wanted you all to know that morale is up and we are grateful. Thanks so much for walking this journey with us. It's not over, but maybe soon.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I've been trying to get Adam to post a blog, but I think it's difficult for him to post because there's nothing new really. We're in the "really not fun" part of the journey. It's like the stretch between Lubbock and Amarillo that you have to endure on your way to the mountains. You know you're going somewhere good that will be well worth it, but that two hours of scenery leaves little to be desired. Here's another analogy: It's as if we've been running a marathon and just as we think we're approaching the end an official tells us we have 10 more miles to go. Morale is low but we keep going. Adam is still pretty tired these days. His white blood cell counts were 2.5. They should be between 9-14. They gave him a shot that helps him produce more white blood cells which has helped some. They also gave him another medicine for his mouth sores which has helped tremendously. The prednisone he takes can cause depression which it hasn't done for Adam but it does make him more emotionally raw. I don't need any help in that department. :) I cry at the drop of a hat these days simply because I just can't help it.
However, we are looking forward to getting out of town next weekend- just us. This is a huge and welcome blessing. Also, it's a fun time of year full of school celebrations and recognition. We enjoy delighting in our kids and their accomplishments and we welcome the distraction. I am so proud of how resilient they have been. I find myself wishing I had more energy to really love on them.
So, there's what's going on with us. It's not pretty but it's real.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One more?

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is a big day. It will be Adam's 6th round of chemo. Hopefully, it will be his LAST round of chemo. Please pray for his health. He's starting this round off already not feeling great. We anticipate a rough remainder of the week ahead of us. We had a chance to go walking together this morning and then to breakfast. We were both thankful for some time together and it was life-giving to be outside. I think we both have come to the breaking point a couple of times, but I have felt like God has taken hold of each of our faces and fixed our eyes on Him. I pray that He will continue to enable me/us to see this situation through His lens and not my own.

Meals for May

Hey Friends...
We are in need of meals for the month of May.  If you can provide one or team up with another family to provide one, it would be much appreciated!

(see care calendar info. on side bar of this blog)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oh well...

This has been a crazy week. Actually, all the weeks are running together. What is normal now? We were supposed to take the kids camping this weekend to Palo Duro Canyon. This is Adam's week before chemo- when he's usually feeling his best. We have been saving this week for things that require the most energy or things Adam would really want to feel good for- like camping. The ideal was to get away for a small adventure with the kids. It has been so windy that we haven't had many opportunities to really get out and play. However, camping doesn't ever go as planned. We were aware of this, but it still sounded fun. Nature, scenery, bonding, adventure....However, it isn't going to happen. There are several reasons, one big one for me is that Adam is unusually tired. He's also fighting lots of painful mouth sores. He is so willing to push through his fatigue with a smile that it's easy for me to forget he's still sick. I think it's easy for him to forget as well. Well, this week is the reminder that we aren't finished yet. We are still in this season as much as we'd like to move on. This is when perseverence really kicks in. There is still much for which to be thankful. It's just that now we are practicing gratitude as a discipline as well as an emotion. God is good- all the time. All the time- God is good. That camping trip will come. Just not yet.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Today is chemo day, but more importantly news-wise, we got to talk with the doctor about the CT scan I had on Friday. The news is good!

Bottom line - the tumor continues to shrink and we are right on track with the treatment plan!
While the tumor initially measured around 10cm x 11cm, it now measures at 3.5cm x 5.9cm - a little less than half it's original size. Because the tumor has been responsive to chemo so far, the doctor expressed optimism that the treatment will be successful.

The plan continues to be to take two more rounds of chemo followed by a PET/CT scan which will allow them to measure both the physical dimensions of the tumor and if the tumor is still active or not. This scan will determine next steps. If the tumor continues to shrink considerably and they think more chemo will be effective, they may order two more rounds of chemo. If the PET scan reveals a tumor that has reached the end of its responsiveness to chemo, but is still somewhat "alive", then radiation is the next step. If the tumor appears to be "dead", then we will consult with the doctors on the costs/benefits of doing radiation. They may decide to do the radiation anyway as a preventative measure for any future occurrence since the tumor was so large initially.

Ok - the benadryll they give me before the chemo has just hit me, so I will sign off for now. It's hard to type "drunk"! I will definitely keep you posted if more details emerge. Thanks for all your prayers and love...
-Adam (for Casey, Ben and Ellie)

Monday, April 6, 2009


As always, the Morrows are so appreciative of the meals and gift cards that have been given to them over the past weeks.  April is almost completely covered, with the exception of 2 days.  Please see the care calendar (details on the left side of this page) if you'd like to fill those slots.  Thx!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

long time, no post!

I've gotten inquiries from several of you wondering why we haven't posted in a while. Sorry! Honestly it's because we haven't had anything new to write in awhile.

The name of the game has been "perseverance" these last weeks. After a flurry of change and challenges in the early days of this adventure, life has fallen into a predictable rhythm defined by the stretch between chemo treatments. The challenge has been facing the familiar with the same desperate faith as we did the unfamiliar. It is ironic that sometimes this is the more difficult task!

As I've written many times, I continue to be amazed and thankful at the steadfast love and support of you who are choosing to persevere with us! I know in the future, if ever God gives me the opportunity to play the supportive friend for someone else, that person will have you to thank for teaching me just what that really means.

Tomorrow (Friday April 3rd) I go in for a CT scan to gauge the progress of the treatments so far. I will get to sit down with the doctor next Wednesday (the 8th) to hear the results. So plan on hearing from us then, hopefully with good news...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

chemo day reminders

Today is chemo day. I've been dreading this day more than usual, I think, because I was feeling so good the last few days and don't want to go back to feeling bad. But dealing with that dread the last few days has reminded me of a few things:

1)The importance of rest and fun. Casey, the kids and I got a chance to get out of town for a few days for Spring Break, and I was surprised at how good it was to get away for a little bit. Being in a different setting, away from the daily grind, was so good. It was good to do things that refresh my soul - be outside, have a little adventure, have fun with the family... Please pray that Casey and the kids will continue to experience refreshment as I begin chemo.

2) The importance of friendship. Yesterday I left Casey and the kids in Tyler to come back for chemo today and picked up my best friend/brother Mike at the airport in Dallas. I was reminded how much I (and we all) need people to encourage me in the journey and keep pointing me to my ultimate hope - Jesus. This morning Mike sat in on the morning Bible study I have with some good friends each week and we talked about a man named Jairus whose account is found in Mark chapter 5. In his most depsperate hour his friends told him not to bother Jesus anymore because it was hopeless. I am so thankful I have friends who say the opposite - don't stop looking at Jesus, put your hope in HIm because He is the only one worthy of it.

3) The importance of trying times. In that same passage in the gospel of Mark, both Jairus and another woman are brought to their knees because of their desparate circumstances. It was in the risky posture of desperate dependence precipitated by these dire circumstances that produced a life changing encounter with Jesus. I can identify with them in that I have experienced the grace and love of God's powerful presence so much more deeply these days precisely because I am in touch with my desperate condition. I am actually thankful for trying times like this one because it helps me realize how much more I could experience Him (and therefore the life for which He made me).

Thursday, March 12, 2009

the space between

The third week of the chemo cycle is the best, and I am noticing that this "third week" is better than the ones before. Just a few twinges of chest pain here and there, but overall I feel almost normal. As I've come out the fog this time around, I've noticed a couple of things. First, I am really aware of the wear and tear on the family. Accommodating me and taking care of me has been an added stress that is taking its toll on both Casey and the kids. They do so much to take up the slack when I don't feel good and they don't complain. Needless to say, we are all looking forward to getting out of town this weekend. I'll leave them with Casey's parents midweek to come back for chemo, and I am really glad for Casey and the kids that they will have a little break from the chemo "drill" this time.

Finally, I continue to learn from many of you what love looks like. Our small group recently did a parenting study in which the author, Dr. Tim Kimmel, defines love as "the commitment of my will to your best interests, regardless of the cost." It is in this season, after the initial surge of shock and attention has passed when I am really amazed to see people doing this to us - continuing to pray for us, spending their time and energy on our behalf. We have received yard work and meals and financial assistance and childcare and prayers and words of encouragement. Friends continue to do life with us, even when we are a mess, and love us so extravagently that they are sending Casey and I on a weekend getaway in a few weeks. It is definitely extrememly humbling and sustaining at the same time...

Monday, March 9, 2009

lost and found

We have the best friends. Today, the guys from our small group came over and searched our yard and alley for Adam's wedding ring. They FOUND IT!! Isn't that great?! As one of them said, it's like the parable of the lost coin. It's also another example of God caring about the little stuff because He loves us. In addition, it's a great example of the blessings of living in community. It is a treasure. So, thanks guys for taking time to help us and to your wives for giving you up at a difficult time of day. We love you...
Adam thankfully got through the stomach bug unscathed with the exception of the fever. It was a rough week last week and we were both definitely "sick and tired of being sick and tired". It is amazing how discouraging it can be when you feel so at the end of your rope. On the upside, it is really true that lately as we are coming to the end of ourselves we have experienced God's presence - and that is the unexpected gift, perhaps lost in easier times, that we have found in God's grace expressed through friends in these days.


Friday, March 6, 2009

deep breath

The night after my last blog I ended up very sick with a stomach bug. We were hoping it would just stay with me, but it appears to have snagged Adam as well. He is sick with a fever and nauseous but stable so far. We've been hit pretty hard this week. Adam lost his wedding ring yesterday because his fingers are so skinny now. Honestly, I'm incredibly frustrated at the moment. Enough already. So, please lift us up as you think of it. We know that many of you have your own crazy stuff going on and we are grateful for your prayers.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Today I was watching a little bit of Shadowlands and was reminded of something C. S. Lewis said: "I don't believe God necessarily cares if we are happy. He wants us to love and be loved. He wants us to grow up....Pain is God's megaphone to rouse a deaf world." It was good to be reminded that He uses our pain to draw us back to himself. He aches for us and He longs for us to depend on Him, find refuge in Him, draw strength and courage from Him. I/we are learning so much about loving and being loved. My hope in addition to Adam being completely healed is that at the end of this season I will have learned to love more like He does: selflessly, graciously, generously and without fear. On another note, Adam is doing well. He doesn't feel great. The pain is often dull but uncomfortable and he has noticed how mentally taxing it has been. He is also aware of how well he is loved by our community of friends here and all of you out there lifting us up. The kids are well and ready for Spring Break as am I. I can't help but say thank you everytime I blog. We are so grateful for all of you...

Saturday, February 28, 2009


I feel like dookie today...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

what makes nausea worth it

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've started several in my head, but they didn't make it to my fingers. I'll post those later, but here are some details about today.

Today was my third round of chemo, of 6 scheduled treatments. Halfway! For the most part it felt very routine - draw blood, see the doctor, nurse sticks the iv in the port and I sit there for 5 or 6 hours, and now I am home and feeling weird. ("weird" is what I write when I don't want to go into details about how I feel because it feels like complaining. Is it helpful to know more details, or is 'weird" enough for you? Just wondering...)

Anyway, I got some really good news from the doctor today. I got to see the CT scan they took in the ER a week and a half ago next to the original scan, and the tumor has definitely shrunk! In the "before" picture, the tumor almost totally obscured my heart from the top view, and most of my heart is almost completely visible in the most recent scan. This is especially good because it only reflects the effects of the 1st round of treatment and a little of the 2nd!

Because I had the unscheduled CT in the ER, the doctor has pushed the next scan to after the 4th round. So in effect I will have scans after the 2nd, 4th and 6th rounds.

That's the main news from today. I'll write more later this week with other tidbits about how we are doing. Thanks so much for all of your thoughts and prayers. We feel overwhelmingly loved by you and held close by God.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Updated Meal Calendar

Just a note to let you all know that there are meal calendars set up for March and April now.  We are still doing 2 meals a week.  Casey says the meals are great...they provide a break for her, while allowing her to still cook many nights a week (which is something she enjoys).

If you wish to provide a meal or a gift card to a resturant, please go to (calendar #: 10660 /security code: 9900)


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Casey here. I just wanted to update you all a little bit. Ellie is feeling all better. Friday was her first fever free day and she jumped on the trampoline for over an hour out of joy that she was finally well and free. I must admit, it was a challenging week with her sick and Adam's pleurisy issues. If this week had a theme it would be "learning hard lessons." In this case they are hard but good lessons meant to draw us nearer to God and who we are in him. I have had many opportunities to fix my gaze on Him when I have completely run out of my own resources. The more "out" I am the more I look to Him. I am encouraged that I am learning to do this even with the little things. For example, I took both kids with me to Walmart on Sunday. We were trying to stay out of the house so Adam could catch up on some sleep after being in the ER very early that morning. My strategy had been to shamelessly bribe the kids with a surprise reward for good behavior but they blew that plan in the first 10 minutes. We managed to get all our shopping done and they stopped fussing with each other for the most part. As we were leaving I remembered that we had parked far away from a place to return our cart. We had been at Walmart for two long hours and I couldn't wrap my brain around this obstacle. "What do I do with this cart? I don't want to leave it here but I don't want to be that far from the kids while I return it. My brain can't wrap around another obstacle." This was a small, silly delima but I asked God to help me. Just then a car parks next to us and as I'm pondering my next move a nice man asked" Can I take your cart?"... God is with me even in the silly little obstacles. As I fix my gaze on Him more, I see Him more and I see Him care about the silly little things because He loves me. This lesson is hard but good.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

In the ER

Saturday morning I woke up with some pretty good heartburn. Heartburn is a common side effect of chemo-therapy, plus I was smart and had a bunch of jalapenos at Rosa's Friday night. Well this heartburn lasted all day and then was accompanied by some general chest pain. At 4am this (Sunday) morning, it hadn't subsided and I figured I better to to the ER. (I had been mildly scolded by the Dr.'s office for not going to the ER the last time I had chest pain.) The blood tests, EKG and CT scan revealed nothing out of the ordinary - which is good. (the main risk associated with pain related to my breathing is a blood clot in my lung) The Doctor diagnosed the pain as Pleurisy, which is an inflammation of the lining of the lungs. There's pretty much nothing you can do about it except treat the pain.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

drained today

I woke up feeling extra drained today. In fact, I use the term "woke up" very loosely. My white blood cell counts will be at their lowest today, and I am sure that has something to do with how I feel. Also, after faking us out this weekend, Ellie showed her true sick colors yesterday and is holed up on the couch with a cough and a fever. This means Casey is doing this delicate dance of trying to care for both of us while keeping us separated in order to protect my compromised immune system. I have to admit, not only is she really good at taking care of those she loves, but she is really beautiful as she does it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Couple of Prayer Requests

Hey friends, I just wanted to ask you to pray for us this weekend. Ellie threw up this morning. Adam's second round of chemo was Wednesday which means his blood counts will be very low over the weekend leaving him susceptible to sickness. Please pray that Adam would be protected from Ellie's virus (as well as Ben and I). I have disinfected every surface I can think of including the car. Also, please pray for us as we consider what to do with our Volkswagon. It is misbehaving on a consistent basis and we are tired of throwing money at it. We want to make a wise decision even if it means waiting (though I'd like to just drive it over a cliff). I know Adam referred to Pslam 34 in his blog. I had prayed through that Psalm and was encouraged by it yesterday and didn't realize until last night that it was the same Psalm God had given Adam in the hospital in December. It meant so much to me to see how God has purposefully given us this Psalm- it wasn't coincidence. God is good. We hope you are all well and are so grateful that you are walking with us on this journey. -Casey

Here we go again

I really want to sit down and write something inspiring - something about persevering or how I have experienced God in a powerful way. But truthfully, I just feel gross.

Chemo went as expected on Wednesday. Thankfully I did not have the same reaction to the Ritoxin as I did the first time around - then again, they gave me enough Benadryll to down a rhino. Like last time, I do feel nauseous and tired and hopefully, like last time, it well ease up after this weekend.

One thing I am thinking about right now is how I connect with God when I don't feel good. Usually I just don't. I think I have something to learn being still before God. Not bringing something to Him or doing something for Him. But persevering by just waiting in His presence. I am definitely not very good at that.

I am reminded as I write this of the Psalm I read when I first when into the hospital - Psalm 34

v.8 says "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him."

and v.18 "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Monday, February 2, 2009


Today is the day I've anticipated since the day I learned of my diagnosis. This morning I noticed an unusual amount of hair in my towel as I dried off after a shower. Mind you, it is not unusual to find hairs fleeing from my balding head, but not this many. So I am going to spare the rest the humiliation of suicide and am going to shave my head as soon as I am done here.

It is funny how bad it feels to lose your hair when you didn't really have that much to lose anyway. But still, it is a bit demoralizing. It's really not going to be that much of a change for anyone looking at me, and yet I still am feeling preemptively embarrassed. It just serves to show me that my vanity extends beyond thinking I am a better driver than I really am.

Before the hair exodus, I was planning on writing today about how I was wondering how the second round of chemo, scheduled for Wednesday, would be different than the first. For round one, I felt sick and tired for one week, tired and a little sick for the second week, and a little tired for week three. I wonder - will it be better, worse, or the same this time around?

Monday, January 26, 2009

more marathon than sprint

It's been a while since I've written here, simply because nothing has really been different. It seems as though we've settled into a groove, at least for now. The initial surge of change and emotional response has passed, and the battle is now fought in persevering through the daily grind. I usually wake up feeling great and start feeling tired and weird around noon. I've learned that if I take a little time to rest in the afternoon, I make it through the day just fine. As much as I would like to ignore it, the emotional side of the equation is still a significant part of the journey, and we continue to need to spend time processing things as a family. But we are also mindful that things are so much better for us than they are for many others, and we feel unbelievably humbled by the continued outpouring of love and support. I recently was telling someone that I feel way more loved than I deserve, and he pointed out that now I might have a little better glimpse of God's love for me. Wow - humbling! I wish everyone could glimpse God's love for them like that...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sign Up for February Meal Needs!

Adam and Casey have really appreciated the meals people have provided in January. Casey says having food come twice a week is such a blessing and takes something off her plate. So we will continue on with 2 meals a week during Feb.

To sign up go to Calendar ID: 10660 Security Code: 9900


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I am so thankful that I haven't felt very bad so far! Most days I feel great in the mornings and then around lunch time I start feeling tired and a little nauseous. Admittedly, I've overdone it a few days (because I'm proud and don't like to accept my limitations) But really, it is so much less than others experience. So far, with a little down time each day, I am good to go. Thanks so much for all the prayers!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

repsect for pregnancy and Moses

Today is the first day I feel kinda bad. Since chemo on Wednesday I've had a little nausea, but have mostly been fine. This morning I woke up feeling pretty drained and funky. Eating a little bit every once in a while helps. I am definitely gaining respect for pregnant women.

I am also finding that the emotional journey is just as challenging, if not more so, than the physical one. When I first received the diagnosis of cancer, I was filled with a rush of faith and courage. I felt confident in God to carry us through life or death. I honestly wasn't afraid to die and I felt a strange freedom to live fully in each moment without taking it for granted. As the prognosis seemed to improve, I found myself feeling a little bit like I didn't need God so much anymore. Most days I ping pong between the two with a good dose of "I am really irritated this is happening to me!" as well.

It has helped me to reflect a little on Moses. He experienced God through some pretty big ups and downs on his way to leading God's people to a new life. At a climactic moment, Moses was in the Lord's presence on Mt Sinai while the people where unfaithful below. I can identity with faithful Moses seeking God's presence and the people who forgot what God did just the other day. Anyway, it says the Lord would come and speak with Moses like a friend. In an amazing conversation about the upcoming journey to the promised land, Moses says, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here." (Ex 33:15). Although Moses could have been proud of his own leadership of the people thus far, or confident in the numbers of the new nation, he had learned something important - no place is good apart from the Presence of God. Conversely, anything is possible with Him.

Cancer or no, I want to live in the freedom that comes from being in the presence of God.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Adam Morrow Special Account

An account has been set up at Peoples Bank so deposits can be made to help the Morrows curtail the many expenses that come along with cancer treatment.

You may go by the following Peoples Bank branches to make a deposit: 34th and Memphis, 82nd just west of United Supermarket, and in Shallowater, Lorenzo and Nazareth. Just tell the teller you want to contribute to the Adam Morrow Special Account.

Or you can mail in your deposit to People's Bank 5820 82nd Street Lubbock, Texas 79424. Be sure to put a note in your envelope with your check that designates the deposit is to go to the Adam Morrow Special Account.

Lastly, Live Oak-ers may write a check and turn it into to Live Oak Community Church (10701 S. Frankford) and designate it to Morrow family.

If you make a contribution (in any of the above ways) and wish for the Morrows to be made aware of your gift, please call Chuck Williams @ Live Oak (798-5583) or Mark Porter (777-4045) and they will let the Morrows know (otherwise the gifts are anonymous). You may also give your gift directly to the Morrows.

Please note contributions are not tax deductible.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So Far So Good

Adam did his first round of chemo today. He did really well. He had a reaction to one of the drugs and had really bad chills, but they got it under control and he did fine the rest of the time. I think it's just a matter of waiting and watching now. We talked with Dr. Cruz this morning and he showed us the lab results. Adam is in stage two. We were able to see a 3-d look at his tumor and it's HUGE! It looked bigger than the size of his brain and he has a big brain! He has two lymph nodes near the tumor that have cancer but it's all in the same area. His bone marrow biopsy was clear. This is great news. Thanks, everyone, for your encouragement. It has been good to be reminded to fix our gaze on God and not our circumstances. We walk in confidence of His love and we are not afraid. That doesn't mean we don't ever feel the reality of it all, but we believe God is who He says He is and His love for us is immeasurable. Ok, I'm done preaching. We are so thankful for all of you.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

port and acceptance

The port placement was successful on Friday. It is a little science-fiction-like to see a bulge under the skin in my chest - I'm just waiting to get "activated" or something. There is still some pain, but it's not bad.

I realized, with a little help from my lovely bride, that I am still working on really accepting this whole thing. Generally I've been pretty tired lately, and feeling that tiredness coming on has really irritated me. On Saturday, I had to call a friend because I couldn't loosen a bolt in order to change the water supply line to my kitchen sink. I don't like that my normal life is being effected!

I'd much rather be the friend called to help than the one doing the calling. I'd much rather live feeling in control of my life than to accept limitations.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

no news is no news

Just a quick update on the tests this week. Really, they weren't that big a deal. I got a new hole in my butt (can I say "butt" here?), but it didn't hurt because the guy used enough numbing stuff to desensitize a cow. And I have been introduced to neat drugs like the fentanyl lollipop. I won't know the results of the tests right away - but I should know something no later than next Wednesday. Friday I'll have a port put in so that they won't have to stick me at every chemo session. One friend pictured this procedure as though I were a giant Capri Sun (don't squeeze Adam!). We'll see.


The Morrows meal needs for January are taken care of for now. We are doing two meals a week and if we need to add to that we will notify you.

We are holding off on the February care calendar for now to allow Adam and Casey to get through this first chemo session and assess thier needs accordingly. Once they get a feel for how things might look, we will post the Feb. meal needs.

Thanks so much!!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Thanks, and what's up

First Casey and I want to say how truly thankful we are for all the love and prayers that have been sent our way. We are truly humbled by all the attention and have realized again in these last couple weeks how blessed we are with amazing people in our lives. It's way more than we deserve, but we are thankful!

For those interested, here's what's happening this week:
Mon - bone marrow biopsy
Wed - PET/CT scans
Fri - insertion of port for chemo

The goal of the biopsy and scans are to see if the cancer has spread beyond the original tumor in my chest. Based on these tests, the oncologist will officially determine the stage of the cancer. Obviously, we are praying for no further indications of cancer, which would make it stage 1 or at most 2. The cure rates for my kind of non-hodgkins lymphoma in the early stages is very high!

Regardless of the stage, I will start chemotherapy next Wednesday, January 14th.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

How You Can Help

We hope this blog site, in conjunction with a care calendar, will help everyone who loves the Morrows, love on them the best we can! We (their small group) will be keeping you updated on how you can serve this wonderful family, and Adam & Casey will be posting as well with updates on how they are doing.

Please see the link on the left of the page for the Morrow's care calendar ( You can sign up to provide meals/restaurant gift cards on this calendar. You will need the CALENDAR CODE : 10660 & SECURITY CODE : 9900.

Please note that we are not beginning meals until the first week of Adam's Chemo treatments...a week from Wed.

There are other ways to partner with Adam and Casey right now... 1. Obviously devote yourself to pray for them and their children. 2. We believe giving Visa Gift cards would be a wonderful way to help curtail the medical expenses the Morrow's will be facing. These gift cards can be used anywhere... so that will allow Adam and Casey to cover a variety of needs.

Thanks for caring. Please call or email us with any questions, concerns or ideas (Sarah 928-8472/mailto:928-8472/ or Mindy 778-7198/

Sincerely, The Morrows small group, A.K.A."PotLuck"