Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So Far So Good

Adam did his first round of chemo today. He did really well. He had a reaction to one of the drugs and had really bad chills, but they got it under control and he did fine the rest of the time. I think it's just a matter of waiting and watching now. We talked with Dr. Cruz this morning and he showed us the lab results. Adam is in stage two. We were able to see a 3-d look at his tumor and it's HUGE! It looked bigger than the size of his brain and he has a big brain! He has two lymph nodes near the tumor that have cancer but it's all in the same area. His bone marrow biopsy was clear. This is great news. Thanks, everyone, for your encouragement. It has been good to be reminded to fix our gaze on God and not our circumstances. We walk in confidence of His love and we are not afraid. That doesn't mean we don't ever feel the reality of it all, but we believe God is who He says He is and His love for us is immeasurable. Ok, I'm done preaching. We are so thankful for all of you.


  1. Casey, Just wanted to let you know we missed you so much at BSF today. Lisa got us all together and we prayed for you and Adam specifically by name and for all of today's activities. I will continue to pray for healing, for comfort in the process, for peace that passes all understanding, for fear to be nowhere in sight and for you and the kids and your wellbeing in all of this. Hang in there. Beth Vivian

  2. GREAT news! our hearts are with you here in Virginia.

    Mike told Adam this, but when i told the kids Adam had cancer, Ethan looked up, very shocked, and said, "but he already has all his hair off!" :)

  3. Hey Adam,
    I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my prayers. And, if you can lift a boulder like the one at Mineral Wells State Park, I know you can lick this no problem! Rest in God and He will take the lead. Take care and God bless my friend,
    Scott Hulsey

  4. Adam & Casey, just want you to know we've been staying updated via your blog and the Salsky's. We have prayed for you guys, worried for you guys, and now praising God that you've started this process of healing. We're incredibly inspired by your faith and toughness, and your ability to face this diagnosis and treatment with such grace has truly inspired us.Tommy & Page Heisser

  5. Hey Cuz' Just wanted to say thanks for the update. We love you much. We'll keep believing for your complete healing.
    Love ya'
    Brandy and Alex Nora

  6. Casey,
    Thank you for your words. The grace and peace of the Lord in you is inspirational. You know that you and Adam, Ben and Ellie are in our prayers.
