Monday, March 9, 2009

lost and found

We have the best friends. Today, the guys from our small group came over and searched our yard and alley for Adam's wedding ring. They FOUND IT!! Isn't that great?! As one of them said, it's like the parable of the lost coin. It's also another example of God caring about the little stuff because He loves us. In addition, it's a great example of the blessings of living in community. It is a treasure. So, thanks guys for taking time to help us and to your wives for giving you up at a difficult time of day. We love you...
Adam thankfully got through the stomach bug unscathed with the exception of the fever. It was a rough week last week and we were both definitely "sick and tired of being sick and tired". It is amazing how discouraging it can be when you feel so at the end of your rope. On the upside, it is really true that lately as we are coming to the end of ourselves we have experienced God's presence - and that is the unexpected gift, perhaps lost in easier times, that we have found in God's grace expressed through friends in these days.


1 comment:

  1. Thankful for this post, it was time for some good news for you all. Still praying at every thought of your family! (hugs), the Damons
