Sunday, January 11, 2009

port and acceptance

The port placement was successful on Friday. It is a little science-fiction-like to see a bulge under the skin in my chest - I'm just waiting to get "activated" or something. There is still some pain, but it's not bad.

I realized, with a little help from my lovely bride, that I am still working on really accepting this whole thing. Generally I've been pretty tired lately, and feeling that tiredness coming on has really irritated me. On Saturday, I had to call a friend because I couldn't loosen a bolt in order to change the water supply line to my kitchen sink. I don't like that my normal life is being effected!

I'd much rather be the friend called to help than the one doing the calling. I'd much rather live feeling in control of my life than to accept limitations.


  1. Thursday, when I was at the Jr. High, I saw a poster that said,
    I was reminded of I John 4:4b,
    Remember that you have access to a strength greater than yourself. This weakness will not be your permanent condition.
    I know that you are praising HIM for all the blessings in your situation and asking for the Grace to deal with the rest of it. This version of "normal" won't last forever.
    Dad and I love you tremendously and are praying for you constantly. We are thanking the Father that He loves you a million billion times more than we do and has already worked this out for your good.


  2. Hi Adam and Casey- It's me- your cousin Brandy. I just wanted you to know that my church and I are praying for you every day. I know that by His stripes you are healed. Keep confessing and believing. I love you guys MUCHO! Let us know if you need anything.

  3. Hey man, its Clint. Shelli and I are praying for you both. I know how hard it is to adjust to a life changing diagnosis. After 10yrs, I am still adjusting to my diabetes.

    I love you guys.. keep your chin up..

  4. Hang in there dude. Paul didn't like his thorn either but through his suffering he discovered the true nature of God's Grace. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

  5. Hey, Adam and Casey. This is Aunt Carla and Uncle Gary. You are both in our prayers daily. Lois (Dickie's Mom) also has you in the prayer group at her church. You are facing a Herculean battle, but you have the Lord on your side. Grammie always said, "The Lord doesn't give you more than you can handle." However, sometimes you just have to ask "Him" to back off some. Casey, if you ever just want to vent, call me. We are both here for you in whatever you need. Give Ben and Ellie a hug for us. We love you!!!

    Carla and Gary

  6. Hi Adam, I send you my greetings and again recent advice from someone who is right there with you. Please remember "this too shall pass". You'll have to take it one day at a time and 1 minute at a time on some days. You will get through this I promise. God will carry you through when you don't have the strength to carry yourself. I'm just so sorry you're having to go through this but we both are learning it's a blessing to let others help us. Please ask if you need something and let others enjoy the same blessing you have been given when the shoe was on the other foot for all these years. It's very humbling but will be over I promise. Yesterday when I talked to you at church was the 1st time since October I haven't felt like I was living in a fog so it just takes a little time. After church and the grocery store I had to go home and go to bed so it's just going to make you tired my friend.

    I came up with this little prayer. I know I stole from several different verses and Jabez all mixed up together but I thought it was appropriate, "God bless Adam in deed and renew his strength. Mount him up on the wings of eagles and help him to walk and not grow weary, run and not fall." I prayed that over and over and now I'm adding your name in as I pray it for you. Please forgive me if I'm not getting all the verse right but I'm taking a lot of it from memory.

    Casie, Gary literally looked at me one day and said, "I'll just be glad when I have my wife back." Wow, talk about a wake up call. So if Adam gets moody please remember what I said above. I'm finally back or at least in mind and am so thankful Gary just loved me through it. God will see you both through and you'll both be able to show how great He is just like you have been saying.

    I love you,

  7. Adam,

    Just a quick note to let you know that Mark and I are thinking of you and praying for you. I called your parents tonight to check in on things and your dad gave me the blog address. I am so thankful for a way to stay posted.

    I remember well the time in my life when I first had to rely on others. I fought it tooth and nail ... until I realized 2 things. First, did I think when God said HIS GRACE, MERCY, and STRENGTH were free gifts, He never intended for me to need them?? Was it simply pride, that prevented me from willingly accepting the help He provided through others? And secondly, He showed me that when I humbled myself and allowed others to help, I was creating an opportunity for them to be blessed by serving, just as I was blessed by their gift of service.

    I'm sure these are not new thoughts to you, but I hope that they are good reminders at this time when your mind is bombarded with all kinds of things.

    Praying Peace,

    Wendy Smith

  8. Hey Adam,

    Whenever I think of needing to ask for help, I remember the verse in Exodus 17 where Moses is needing to hold up his arms in order to have victory over the enemy. He grows weary and needs help. Aaron and Hur help him hold his arms up. All 3 are beneficial in the victory. God has placed you among a lot of "Aarons" and "Hurs" in your church. They are beneficial and willing to hold you up when you are in need. As a bonus: God is glorified when others see the community of believers help one another and lift one another up.

    I know, for a fact that if Duane and I were in Lubbock and knew that you had a need, we'd be there on your doorstep asap. I also know that you'd be on ours if we were in need. The body of believers is a powerful connection that God gifted us with. I'm proud of you calling "Aaron" to do your plumbing. I'm sure he'll be available next time too!, if he's not available, call "Hur"!

    Like Wendy said, I'm sure these aren't new thoughts to you. You've probably preached it, but wanted to share what came to my heart when I read your post. Love you like a brother!

    Sending TONS of Love to you and your family,
    The Damons (Duane, Bev, Morgan and Kenzie)

  9. Dear Morrows,

    Give your friends and family the opportunity to show you what we have learned from you.

    Allow us to serve Christ, as we serve your family. Preventing us from doing so is depriving us from practicing what YOU have preached for all these years.

    You are so loved!

    Jeannette Gist

  10. Hey Bro -

    I can totally see how your tiredness would frustrate you right now. You are, and have always been, the strength for a lot of people. You're the "go to" guy; the one most of us call when we need a hand or a prayer or to vent. Well, at least you're that guy for me. So, I have to say that it is JOY and HONOR to able to give a hand, or a prayer, or an ear, to you. I am sure the wonderful people surrounding you there in Lubbock feel the same way.

    You know, "weakness" is a funny thing, I think. Maybe when we look in the mirror and see weakness, our eyes are deceived. Maybe what's really being reflected is God's strength and not our own, and we have to train ourselves to see it. I am reminded that when Jesus was at his weakest point physically was when he accomplished his greatest victory and the world saw the enormous, overwhelming, and undeniable strength of the Father.

    So, Adam, you go ahead and let God flex his muscles while you let yours rest.

  11. Hi Adam and Casey.... it's Cyndi Morgan from down the street (the avocado house). Adam, thank you so much for sharing with Mitch and I tonight. We are honored to lift you and all of your family up to the Father. 10:30.... gotcha "covered", so to speak. :)

  12. Adam and Casey - Just wanted to let you know Sean and I are praying in Pennsylvania. We've shared your story with our friends here and we'll have lots of prayer lifted up from the keystone state as things unfold. Much love to you two and the kids. To Him be the glory.

  13. Adam,
    I am earnestly praying for you today my brother!
    Love ya man!

    Brian F.
