Monday, January 26, 2009

more marathon than sprint

It's been a while since I've written here, simply because nothing has really been different. It seems as though we've settled into a groove, at least for now. The initial surge of change and emotional response has passed, and the battle is now fought in persevering through the daily grind. I usually wake up feeling great and start feeling tired and weird around noon. I've learned that if I take a little time to rest in the afternoon, I make it through the day just fine. As much as I would like to ignore it, the emotional side of the equation is still a significant part of the journey, and we continue to need to spend time processing things as a family. But we are also mindful that things are so much better for us than they are for many others, and we feel unbelievably humbled by the continued outpouring of love and support. I recently was telling someone that I feel way more loved than I deserve, and he pointed out that now I might have a little better glimpse of God's love for me. Wow - humbling! I wish everyone could glimpse God's love for them like that...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sign Up for February Meal Needs!

Adam and Casey have really appreciated the meals people have provided in January. Casey says having food come twice a week is such a blessing and takes something off her plate. So we will continue on with 2 meals a week during Feb.

To sign up go to Calendar ID: 10660 Security Code: 9900


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I am so thankful that I haven't felt very bad so far! Most days I feel great in the mornings and then around lunch time I start feeling tired and a little nauseous. Admittedly, I've overdone it a few days (because I'm proud and don't like to accept my limitations) But really, it is so much less than others experience. So far, with a little down time each day, I am good to go. Thanks so much for all the prayers!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

repsect for pregnancy and Moses

Today is the first day I feel kinda bad. Since chemo on Wednesday I've had a little nausea, but have mostly been fine. This morning I woke up feeling pretty drained and funky. Eating a little bit every once in a while helps. I am definitely gaining respect for pregnant women.

I am also finding that the emotional journey is just as challenging, if not more so, than the physical one. When I first received the diagnosis of cancer, I was filled with a rush of faith and courage. I felt confident in God to carry us through life or death. I honestly wasn't afraid to die and I felt a strange freedom to live fully in each moment without taking it for granted. As the prognosis seemed to improve, I found myself feeling a little bit like I didn't need God so much anymore. Most days I ping pong between the two with a good dose of "I am really irritated this is happening to me!" as well.

It has helped me to reflect a little on Moses. He experienced God through some pretty big ups and downs on his way to leading God's people to a new life. At a climactic moment, Moses was in the Lord's presence on Mt Sinai while the people where unfaithful below. I can identity with faithful Moses seeking God's presence and the people who forgot what God did just the other day. Anyway, it says the Lord would come and speak with Moses like a friend. In an amazing conversation about the upcoming journey to the promised land, Moses says, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here." (Ex 33:15). Although Moses could have been proud of his own leadership of the people thus far, or confident in the numbers of the new nation, he had learned something important - no place is good apart from the Presence of God. Conversely, anything is possible with Him.

Cancer or no, I want to live in the freedom that comes from being in the presence of God.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Adam Morrow Special Account

An account has been set up at Peoples Bank so deposits can be made to help the Morrows curtail the many expenses that come along with cancer treatment.

You may go by the following Peoples Bank branches to make a deposit: 34th and Memphis, 82nd just west of United Supermarket, and in Shallowater, Lorenzo and Nazareth. Just tell the teller you want to contribute to the Adam Morrow Special Account.

Or you can mail in your deposit to People's Bank 5820 82nd Street Lubbock, Texas 79424. Be sure to put a note in your envelope with your check that designates the deposit is to go to the Adam Morrow Special Account.

Lastly, Live Oak-ers may write a check and turn it into to Live Oak Community Church (10701 S. Frankford) and designate it to Morrow family.

If you make a contribution (in any of the above ways) and wish for the Morrows to be made aware of your gift, please call Chuck Williams @ Live Oak (798-5583) or Mark Porter (777-4045) and they will let the Morrows know (otherwise the gifts are anonymous). You may also give your gift directly to the Morrows.

Please note contributions are not tax deductible.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So Far So Good

Adam did his first round of chemo today. He did really well. He had a reaction to one of the drugs and had really bad chills, but they got it under control and he did fine the rest of the time. I think it's just a matter of waiting and watching now. We talked with Dr. Cruz this morning and he showed us the lab results. Adam is in stage two. We were able to see a 3-d look at his tumor and it's HUGE! It looked bigger than the size of his brain and he has a big brain! He has two lymph nodes near the tumor that have cancer but it's all in the same area. His bone marrow biopsy was clear. This is great news. Thanks, everyone, for your encouragement. It has been good to be reminded to fix our gaze on God and not our circumstances. We walk in confidence of His love and we are not afraid. That doesn't mean we don't ever feel the reality of it all, but we believe God is who He says He is and His love for us is immeasurable. Ok, I'm done preaching. We are so thankful for all of you.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

port and acceptance

The port placement was successful on Friday. It is a little science-fiction-like to see a bulge under the skin in my chest - I'm just waiting to get "activated" or something. There is still some pain, but it's not bad.

I realized, with a little help from my lovely bride, that I am still working on really accepting this whole thing. Generally I've been pretty tired lately, and feeling that tiredness coming on has really irritated me. On Saturday, I had to call a friend because I couldn't loosen a bolt in order to change the water supply line to my kitchen sink. I don't like that my normal life is being effected!

I'd much rather be the friend called to help than the one doing the calling. I'd much rather live feeling in control of my life than to accept limitations.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

no news is no news

Just a quick update on the tests this week. Really, they weren't that big a deal. I got a new hole in my butt (can I say "butt" here?), but it didn't hurt because the guy used enough numbing stuff to desensitize a cow. And I have been introduced to neat drugs like the fentanyl lollipop. I won't know the results of the tests right away - but I should know something no later than next Wednesday. Friday I'll have a port put in so that they won't have to stick me at every chemo session. One friend pictured this procedure as though I were a giant Capri Sun (don't squeeze Adam!). We'll see.


The Morrows meal needs for January are taken care of for now. We are doing two meals a week and if we need to add to that we will notify you.

We are holding off on the February care calendar for now to allow Adam and Casey to get through this first chemo session and assess thier needs accordingly. Once they get a feel for how things might look, we will post the Feb. meal needs.

Thanks so much!!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Thanks, and what's up

First Casey and I want to say how truly thankful we are for all the love and prayers that have been sent our way. We are truly humbled by all the attention and have realized again in these last couple weeks how blessed we are with amazing people in our lives. It's way more than we deserve, but we are thankful!

For those interested, here's what's happening this week:
Mon - bone marrow biopsy
Wed - PET/CT scans
Fri - insertion of port for chemo

The goal of the biopsy and scans are to see if the cancer has spread beyond the original tumor in my chest. Based on these tests, the oncologist will officially determine the stage of the cancer. Obviously, we are praying for no further indications of cancer, which would make it stage 1 or at most 2. The cure rates for my kind of non-hodgkins lymphoma in the early stages is very high!

Regardless of the stage, I will start chemotherapy next Wednesday, January 14th.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

How You Can Help

We hope this blog site, in conjunction with a care calendar, will help everyone who loves the Morrows, love on them the best we can! We (their small group) will be keeping you updated on how you can serve this wonderful family, and Adam & Casey will be posting as well with updates on how they are doing.

Please see the link on the left of the page for the Morrow's care calendar ( You can sign up to provide meals/restaurant gift cards on this calendar. You will need the CALENDAR CODE : 10660 & SECURITY CODE : 9900.

Please note that we are not beginning meals until the first week of Adam's Chemo treatments...a week from Wed.

There are other ways to partner with Adam and Casey right now... 1. Obviously devote yourself to pray for them and their children. 2. We believe giving Visa Gift cards would be a wonderful way to help curtail the medical expenses the Morrow's will be facing. These gift cards can be used anywhere... so that will allow Adam and Casey to cover a variety of needs.

Thanks for caring. Please call or email us with any questions, concerns or ideas (Sarah 928-8472/mailto:928-8472/ or Mindy 778-7198/

Sincerely, The Morrows small group, A.K.A."PotLuck"