Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One more?

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is a big day. It will be Adam's 6th round of chemo. Hopefully, it will be his LAST round of chemo. Please pray for his health. He's starting this round off already not feeling great. We anticipate a rough remainder of the week ahead of us. We had a chance to go walking together this morning and then to breakfast. We were both thankful for some time together and it was life-giving to be outside. I think we both have come to the breaking point a couple of times, but I have felt like God has taken hold of each of our faces and fixed our eyes on Him. I pray that He will continue to enable me/us to see this situation through His lens and not my own.

Meals for May

Hey Friends...
We are in need of meals for the month of May.  If you can provide one or team up with another family to provide one, it would be much appreciated!

(see care calendar info. on side bar of this blog)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oh well...

This has been a crazy week. Actually, all the weeks are running together. What is normal now? We were supposed to take the kids camping this weekend to Palo Duro Canyon. This is Adam's week before chemo- when he's usually feeling his best. We have been saving this week for things that require the most energy or things Adam would really want to feel good for- like camping. The ideal was to get away for a small adventure with the kids. It has been so windy that we haven't had many opportunities to really get out and play. However, camping doesn't ever go as planned. We were aware of this, but it still sounded fun. Nature, scenery, bonding, adventure....However, it isn't going to happen. There are several reasons, one big one for me is that Adam is unusually tired. He's also fighting lots of painful mouth sores. He is so willing to push through his fatigue with a smile that it's easy for me to forget he's still sick. I think it's easy for him to forget as well. Well, this week is the reminder that we aren't finished yet. We are still in this season as much as we'd like to move on. This is when perseverence really kicks in. There is still much for which to be thankful. It's just that now we are practicing gratitude as a discipline as well as an emotion. God is good- all the time. All the time- God is good. That camping trip will come. Just not yet.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Today is chemo day, but more importantly news-wise, we got to talk with the doctor about the CT scan I had on Friday. The news is good!

Bottom line - the tumor continues to shrink and we are right on track with the treatment plan!
While the tumor initially measured around 10cm x 11cm, it now measures at 3.5cm x 5.9cm - a little less than half it's original size. Because the tumor has been responsive to chemo so far, the doctor expressed optimism that the treatment will be successful.

The plan continues to be to take two more rounds of chemo followed by a PET/CT scan which will allow them to measure both the physical dimensions of the tumor and if the tumor is still active or not. This scan will determine next steps. If the tumor continues to shrink considerably and they think more chemo will be effective, they may order two more rounds of chemo. If the PET scan reveals a tumor that has reached the end of its responsiveness to chemo, but is still somewhat "alive", then radiation is the next step. If the tumor appears to be "dead", then we will consult with the doctors on the costs/benefits of doing radiation. They may decide to do the radiation anyway as a preventative measure for any future occurrence since the tumor was so large initially.

Ok - the benadryll they give me before the chemo has just hit me, so I will sign off for now. It's hard to type "drunk"! I will definitely keep you posted if more details emerge. Thanks for all your prayers and love...
-Adam (for Casey, Ben and Ellie)

Monday, April 6, 2009


As always, the Morrows are so appreciative of the meals and gift cards that have been given to them over the past weeks.  April is almost completely covered, with the exception of 2 days.  Please see the care calendar (details on the left side of this page) if you'd like to fill those slots.  Thx!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

long time, no post!

I've gotten inquiries from several of you wondering why we haven't posted in a while. Sorry! Honestly it's because we haven't had anything new to write in awhile.

The name of the game has been "perseverance" these last weeks. After a flurry of change and challenges in the early days of this adventure, life has fallen into a predictable rhythm defined by the stretch between chemo treatments. The challenge has been facing the familiar with the same desperate faith as we did the unfamiliar. It is ironic that sometimes this is the more difficult task!

As I've written many times, I continue to be amazed and thankful at the steadfast love and support of you who are choosing to persevere with us! I know in the future, if ever God gives me the opportunity to play the supportive friend for someone else, that person will have you to thank for teaching me just what that really means.

Tomorrow (Friday April 3rd) I go in for a CT scan to gauge the progress of the treatments so far. I will get to sit down with the doctor next Wednesday (the 8th) to hear the results. So plan on hearing from us then, hopefully with good news...